Mike Zornek shows how you can secure webhook payloads in a Phoenix application. He does that by extracting some parts from your Phoenix Endpoint to a Plug and writing two custom Plugs. One thing I like about that kind of post is to see how much Phoenix is easily customizable.
Maciej Kaszubowski shows a pattern that can make background jobs more modular, the "read model". He explains the trade-offs of that and another approach, and the positive implications of using the "read-model / push-based" approach, such as: leveraging DB locks, easier unit testing and extensibiility.
Alex Drummond shows a real-world example of integrating Rust with Elixir, using the Rustler library. He integrated the `html5ever` Rust library with Phoenix, to check if the HTML code they were generating was valid.
Claudio Ortolina shares how you can deal with large files in Elixir applications. First, he shows how you can profile your application to discover if it's using too much memory, with tools like Recon and Observer. Second, he shows a cool solution for the problem, by streaming the file's content from your local disk or from a remote source.
Sheharyar Naseer explains how to use Ecto to simplify complex table association scenarios and improve general reliability and security when working with databases.
Gianluca Ciccarelli talks about how much time do you need to become a productive contributor to a project written in a language that you have to learn from scratch. He talks about the path of studying, practicing, your first project, and continuous experimentation.
In this interview, José Valim talks about a lot of different subjects, such as the new BeamAsm JIT, Nx (numerical Elixir), Nerves, native compilation like Lumen, and more.
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