19th June - 23rd June 2024

Elixir Safari

Combine your passion for Elixir programming with an adventure of a lifetime.


Elixir Safari

We're taking ElixirConfAfrica to new heights by integrating the breathtaking beauty of a safari experience. It's a unique opportunity to combine your passion for Elixir programming with an adventure of a lifetime.

Call For speakers

Speak the Language of Elixir? Join as a Speaker

Share your pioneering Elixir insights or project experiences at our Elixir Safari by submitting a talk proposal. Seize the opportunity to illuminate and inspire in a congregation of the language's most adept minds.

Join the Waiting List

"Exciting news is on its way! While our tickets are not yet available, you can stay updated on the latest developments by subscribing to our newsletter. Be the first to know when ticket sales go live and get access to exclusive updates, speaker announcements, and special offers. Don't miss out on this extraordinary event—subscribe now to secure your spot!"

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